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Mission & History

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Andrew John Dutton Mason: 11.04.89 - 13.01.2020.



Not just a name and some numbers.



Rather, it defines an extraordinary human being who packed a lifetime into his 30 years. In doing so, he not only set the bar for grit and human endeavour, but also became a dynamo of inspiration for others. A creative net contributor, giving far more than he ever expected in return, consistently putting others before himself and embracing challenge as the norm. From running 100 miles with a keg (55kg) on his back to circumnavigating the UK in an Atlantic rowing boat, Andrew's resilience and strength was tried and tested all for the cause of supporting others.


Shortly after his return from his Rough 

Andrew passed away in 2020 from a rare blood cancer (Multiple Myeloma), he was 30. Trust us when we say, he was, in many ways, the stuff of legends. The kind of person you hear about and want to be better because of knowing about him.


Andrew has left us with a legacy and with it, we have built The Spirit Level Foundation.



The Spirit Level Foundation captures this attitude, resolve and strength of character and uses it as a focus and a force for good.



The Spirit Level aims to create the conditions for others to do meaningful, measurable and motivational things, which either directly and positively impact the lives of others, or contribute a collective effort to do so. This website starts to explain how. Its aims are to inform and inspire others to get involved.



So, not just a name and set of numbers, but a spirit and a legacy that lays the foundations for whatever, together, we want to make it. No normality. No expectation. No limits.

Our Aim

Our principal objective for the next 18 months is to raise the sum of £67,000 to support the employment – for three years – of a specialist blood cancer nurse to cover the North of England. 


Central to the medical team that looked after Andrew at the Freeman in Newcastle, were the specialist nurses funded by Bright Red, in cooperation with the NHS Trust. They were simply outstanding. As a family, we have witnessed first-hand how important their work is to those facing the ultimate challenge.


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